Monday, November 19, 2007

Diving Day Four: Cod Hole

This dive site is justifiably considered one of the world’s best. We descended on Cod Hole three times in one day. In the late morning and early afternoon we used the tenders to go out on a drift dive past the North wall and the third time we descended the boat’s tag and mooring lines into the “hole” part of the dive site.

The tender buzzing to and fro

Cod Hole introduces you to, as you might expect, cod. Big cod. Cod with presence. Cod built like sofas. Cod with five gallon mouths.

Of the drift dives we floated along a coral wall for 15 minutes or so and then ended up in the hole part of Cod Hole. It’s a great diving spot because of the size of life, the clear water and white sand bottom that acts as great canvas for the colorful fish.

The giant potato cod hang out in the hole and remained parked like bouncers at an exclusive nightclub. They don’t seem to mind us tiny divers flailing around them in amazement. We did however hear stories of ignorant pushy divers who had actually managed to get their heads stuck in the cod’s mouth. We heard this event rarely ended in death, but I have to imagine that their pride was hurt as much as anything. How to you go back home and explain the ring of teeth marks around your neck? A shark attack might be recounted with astonishment and pride from surviving, but a fat lazy cod swallowing a diver is, in my opinion, embarrassingly funny.

Amy next to potato cod

Skip Larry in the bridge

Cuttlefish at night

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